Jax's Happy Tail....

The Most Awesome Dog Ever!
Jax Jax was surrendered to Miniature Schnauzer Rescue in February of 2009. His original owners lived in a townhouse with no backyard, and worked full time. They were also expecting their first child. Jax spent a lot of time in his crate, and his owners felt they were not able to give him the time that he needed. With great thought and lots of tears, they relinquished an amazingly well trained, beloved little boy to rescue.

And a month later, a very fun update from Bud (his new Dad): "Jax is doing great . . . he is the most awesome dog ever. He seems to really love his new home and family. He rarely barks - only when he needs to alert us that someone is at the door. He only chews on his toys and nothing else. Jax loves the grandchildren and looks forward every day to my daughter and grandson coming over at 5:30 a.m. He is getting used to riding in the car, and goes with us twice a day to drop off and pickup our grandson from school.
A magnificent boy!
A magnificent boy!

My wife and I make it a point to play with him several times a day, but he has met his match when the grandchildren come over - he wins the contest on who will give up first, the chaser of the balls or the thrower. He will chase balls forever and never tire.

He has brought so much joy into our family and we are crazy about him. He is so gentle and sweet, and so full of fun and play. I know all the dogs are not so perfect, and come with a few things that need some work. We know how lucky we are to get such a wonderful addition to our family. We can't thank you enough for such a loving dog."